1. Roll Call
1. Call for Changes to the Agenda
1. Public Work Director, Paul Palzer (Status of Projects, etc.)
1. SESAC/BMI Licensing
2. Whenever Watersports - Kayak/Paddleboard Rental Kiosk a. Rent Fund
1. Acceptance of Centerville Lions Donation
2. Additional Volleyball Court - Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park
4. Main Street Market Sign
5. 4-Imprint Marketing & Volunteer Appreciation Items
6. Park Facility Use Application - Centerville Elementary School, 5/29-5/31 & 6/3/2024
7. 2024 5/8K Runs a. Volunteers b. Medallion/Give Aways to Winners c. Offering of Coupons for Free Entry
1. April 3, 2024, P & R Meeting Minutes