Centerville City Council Meeting 8/14/2024

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8/14/2024 6:27:00 PM


I. Call to Order 00:00:01

I. Call to Order 00:00:11

1. Roll Call

II. Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:22

III. Approval of Agenda 00:00:44

IV. Appointments & Presentations 00:01:48

V. Public Hearings 00:01:54

V. Public Hearings 00:01:54

1. Interim Ordinance - Moratorium on PUDs in M-1 & M-2

VI. Approval of Minutes 01:21:43

1. July 10, 2024 City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes

VII. Consent Agenda 01:22:44

VII. Consent Agenda 01:23:38

4. Appointment of Parks and Recreation Committee Member - Deanna Loomis

VII. Consent Agenda 01:24:43

7. Park Facility Permit - Curt Rivard - Kite Flying Event

VIII. Old Business 01:25:41

IX. New Business 01:25:49

IX. New Business 01:25:52

1. Interim Ordiance #XXX Moratorium on PUDS in the M-1 & M-2 Zoning Districts

IX. New Business 03:03:25

2. Master Services Agreement and Statement of Work - Cybersecurity Forensic Consulting - Arete/McDonnald Hopkins LLC

X. Staff and Council Reports 03:06:38

X. Staff and Council Reports 03:06:45

1. Administrator's Report

X. Staff and Council Reports 03:07:07

2. Council Reports

XI. Adjournment 03:16:08

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